Aventus 순위 966
Aventus 순위 966
웹사이트 Twitter
6,000,000 AVT


Aventus 가격

Aventus 24h Vol

Aventus 시가 총액

24시간 볼륨
1 H
-1.54 %
24 H
4.73 %
7 d
19.13 %
오늘 Aventus 미국 달러의 가격은 현재입니다. 0.1676 USD, 변환 된 경우 Bitcoin ~이다. 0.00001812 BTC. 총 6,000,000 AVT 현재 시장에서 유통되고있다.. Aventus 가격에 변화가 생겼다. 4.73 %, 검사 모든 암호 해독. 지난 24 시간 동안 0.000 M US dollars Aventus ~에 거래되었습니다 암호 교환. 도망 Aventus's 귀하의 컴퓨터에 추가하여 진행하십시오. 즐겨 찾기 무료로 포트폴리오.
전체 이름
BTC 가격
0.00001812 BTC
BTC 시장
109 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
암호화폐 총 채굴량
6,000,000 AVT
-1.54 %
4.73 %
19.13 %
Share Aventus Price




Aventus is an Ethereum-based platform. Its economic model eliminates uncontrolled resale and counterfeit tickets. It allows event organizers to create, manage and promote their events and tickets with dramatically reduced costs, even letting them set price controls and receive commissions on ticket resales. It also gives ticket buyers rewards for promoting events, and identifying fraudulent activity.

AventCoin (AVT) is the underlying token in the Aventus protocol. The purpose of AVT is to fuel the Aventus ecosystem and ensure that the protocol runs autonomously, de-centrally, and without any fraud. AVT is used for stake weighted voting and consensus mechanisms for voting on the legitimacy of:

  • Events on the protocol (e.g. the global pool of verified events) => fraudulent events mean applications selling their tickets will lose customers, so we need to prevent this.
  • Applications (either promoters or ticketing apps) sitting on top of the protocol => a list of verified applications needs to be determined so applications falsely claiming to use the protocol cannot sell fraudulent tickets.
  • The parameters that determine how the protocol works, e.g. event creation fees or reporting fees.

It is also used to facilitate anonymous matching of buyers and ticket sellers in the secondary market. “Matchers” are like miners in the Ethereum/Bitcoin blockchains and get rewarded with new AVT for performing these computations. The winning “matcher” for a given ticket (like the winning miner of a given block) is chosen by an AVT stake-weighted probability distribution.


They finished their ICO on the 6th of September in under 10 minutes. Raised 60k ETH in total, 30k presale, 16k white-list sale and 14k during their public token sale.

전체 이름 AventCoin (AVT)
시작 날짜 N/A
알고리즘 N/A
Proof Type N/A
웹사이트 https://aventus.io/
트위터 @aventussystems
페이스북 N/A
레딧 N/A
블록 넘버 N/A
블록 시간 N/A
블록 보상량 N/A
암호화폐 총 채굴량 6,000,000 AVT
사전 채굴량 N/A
초당 순 해시속도 N/A
ICO 상세내용

ICO 상세내용

Aventus token sale will run for a week from the 6th to the 12th of September2017 with the aim of generating 6 million AVT tokens. During the sale, AventCoin (AVT) tokens can be purchased for Ether. AVT is the underlying token in the Aventus protocol.

There will be a constant price throughout the entire period of 128 AVT per ETH. AVT will be minted as ETH is contributed in the AVT sale, and therefore there is a hard cap total supply of AVT of 10 Million tokens, 60% of which will be sold in the AVT sale. 


  • Alan Vey: Director, Full Stack Engineer (alan@aventus.io) 
  • Annika Monari: Director, Full Stack Engineer  (annika@aventus.io
  • Kavon Soltani: Head of Sales  (kavon@aventus.io)
  • Mario Vassiliades: UI/UX Design  (mario@aventus.io)
  • Arnaud Gaboury: Head of Communications  (arnaud@aventus.io)
  • Benedict Lewis: Full Stack Engineer  (ben@aventus.io)


  • Prof. Will Knottenbelt: Technical Adviser - Director of the Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering Centre, Imperial College.
  • Prof. Mike Waterson: Economic Adviser - Expert in U.K. secondary ticketing after publishing a report for the government's BIS and DCMS.
  • Diane Bowers: Business Adviser - Director, Blue Horizon Entertainment & Managing Partner, Bowers Resource Group.
  • Ryan Lanham: Strategic Adviser - Experienced finance professional, COO at Re-Gen UK and senior adviser at Bride Valley Partners.
  • Danny Masters: Business Adviser - Chairman of the investment manager for the first fully regulated crypto fund and other group initiatives in technology ventures.
  • Jean-Marie Mognetti: General Adviser - Head of Trading and Operation for the first fully regulated crypto fund and other group initiatives in technology ventures.
  • Rus Newton: General Adviser - Director of Research, Global Advisors. 20+ years early stage venture capital investor.


Token reserve split (40%) - read the full blog post here

  • 19.5% new user incentive: given to applications building on the protocol and successful events on the protocol over a 3-5 year period
  • 2.5% bounties
  • 8% Aventus company held in perpetuity for voting right on the network
  • 10 % for advisors, corporate partners, and team

ICO 상태 Finished
토큰 공급량 10000000
시작 날짜 2017-09-06
종료 날짜 2017-09-06
기금 조성 (BTC) 60,000 ETH
기금 조성 (USD) 20199582
초기가 (USD) 0.0108695652
보안 감사 회사 DappHub
ICO 법적문제 Corporation
ICO 관할권 Jersey
법적 조언자 Global Advisors Holdings Limited
블로그 https://blog.aventus.io
백서 https://aventus.io/doc/whitepaper.pdf