United Traders Token Rank 497
United Traders Token Rank 497
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37,508,999 UTT

United Traders Token
United Traders Token

United Traders Token Price

United Traders Token 24h Vol

United Traders Token Market Cap

24h Vol
1 H
-0.01 %
24 H
1.02 %
7 d
-2.52 %
Today United Traders Token price in US dollars is currently 0.1611 USD, and if converted to Bitcoin is 0.00001742 BTC. A total of 37,508,999 UTT are currently circulating in the Market. United Traders Token price is currently experiencing a change of 1.02 %, and check here all cryptocurrency. Over the past 24 hours 0.000 M US dollars United Traders Token have been traded on Crypto Exchanges. Get United Traders Token's progress by adding it to your favourites and creating a free portfolio.
Full Name
United Traders Token
BTC Price
0.00001742 BTC
BTC Market
653 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Total Coins Mined
37,508,999 UTT
-0.01 %
1.02 %
-2.52 %
Share United Traders Token Price




The United Traders is a trading company of U.S stock markets operating since 2009. The United Traders will use the blockchain technology to expand their platform and create a marketplace for cryptocurrencies powered by an ERC-20 token.

The actual platform feature a pool of algorithmic strategies which was employed by the Kvadrat Black SPC hedge fund named as Kvadrat Black, a Type C strategy (a pool of manual and algorithmic strategies extensively used on the cryptocurrency markets), an IPO with United Traders (a feature which allows investors to buy shares of companies offering IPO’s on a provisional subscription basis) and OTC (a feature which allows an investor to buy shares in non-public companies).

United Traders Token (UTT) is an ERC-20 token that will be used to pay for trading services on the platform.

Full Name United Traders Token (UTT)
Start Date 2017-10-11
Algorithm N/A
Proof Type N/A
Website https://unitedtraders.com/
Twitter @Uttoken
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined 37,508,999 UTT
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A