USDx stablecoin Rank 711
USDx stablecoin Rank 711
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2,501,642 USDX

USDx stablecoin
USDx stablecoin

USDx stablecoin Price

USDx stablecoin 24h Vol

USDx stablecoin Market Cap

24h Vol
1 H
0 %
24 H
0.11 %
7 d
-0.14 %
Today USDx stablecoin price in US dollars is currently 1.00 USD, and if converted to Bitcoin is 0.00010846 BTC. A total of 2,501,642 USDX are currently circulating in the Market. USDx stablecoin price is currently experiencing a change of 0.11 %, and check here all cryptocurrency. Over the past 24 hours 0.000 M US dollars USDx stablecoin have been traded on Crypto Exchanges. Get USDx stablecoin's progress by adding it to your favourites and creating a free portfolio.
Full Name
USDx stablecoin
BTC Price
0.00010846 BTC
BTC Market
271 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Total Coins Mined
2,501,642 USDX
0 %
0.11 %
-0.14 %
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The USDX token is a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar at a 1:1 ratio via a smart contract. USDX is collateralized by the system’s core cryptocurrency, LHT, which refers to Lighthouse Blockchain Technology, the company behind the app. The total supply of LHT is 1B coins, which will be released gradually to the market. Only 5% of the supply will be issued in the first year, while another 5% will be locked on the blockchain to provide 200% collateralization. The benefit of withholding coins is encouraging confidence in LHT owners and potential owners that the value won’t suddenly evaporate if the market becomes flooded.

Full Name USDX Stablecoin (USDX)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm N/A
Proof Type N/A
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Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined 2,501,642 USDX
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A