Launched by BitOcean Global in 2018, OceanEx is an AI powered digital asset trading platform within the VeChainThor Ecosystem, offering professional services to digital asset investors, traders and liquidity providers.
Vollständiger Name | OceanEX Token (OCE) |
Anfangsdatum | N/A |
Algorithmus | N/A |
Beweisart | N/A |
Webseite | https://oceanex.pro/en/ |
@OceanexOfficial | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Blocknummer | N/A |
Zeit blockieren | N/A |
Belohnung blockieren | N/A |
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen | 2,101,467,024 OCE |
Bisherige insgesamt abgebaute Münzen | N/A |
Netto-Hashes pro Sekunde | N/A |