ADAMANT Messenger 순위 1016
ADAMANT Messenger 순위 1016
웹사이트 Twitter
84,552,858 ADM

ADAMANT Messenger
ADAMANT Messenger

ADAMANT Messenger 가격

ADAMANT Messenger 24h Vol

ADAMANT Messenger 시가 총액

24시간 볼륨
1 H
-2.03 %
24 H
3.43 %
7 d
-1.47 %
오늘 ADAMANT Messenger 미국 달러의 가격은 현재입니다. 0.0097 USD, 변환 된 경우 Bitcoin ~이다. 0.00000105 BTC. 총 84,552,858 ADM 현재 시장에서 유통되고있다.. ADAMANT Messenger 가격에 변화가 생겼다. 3.43 %, 검사 모든 암호 해독. 지난 24 시간 동안 0.000 M US dollars ADAMANT Messenger ~에 거래되었습니다 암호 교환. 도망 ADAMANT Messenger's 귀하의 컴퓨터에 추가하여 진행하십시오. 즐겨 찾기 무료로 포트폴리오.
전체 이름
ADAMANT Messenger
BTC 가격
0.00000105 BTC
BTC 시장
89 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
암호화폐 총 채굴량
84,552,858 ADM
-2.03 %
3.43 %
-1.47 %
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Adamant is a blockchain-based system for data and message transfers that acts alongside an integrated payment system, providing users with a secure and encrypted source for business and personal communications.  Adamant features a messenger available for any device, and a corporate system for data and message transfers with an ability to digitally-sign documents and an integrated payment system that allows a company to reduce its internal transactional costs. ADM is a DPoS cryptocurrency used on the platform for secure payments and as an incentive layer.

전체 이름 Adamant (ADM)
시작 날짜 2018-01-01
알고리즘 DPoS
Proof Type DPoS
트위터 @adamant_im
레딧 N/A
블록 넘버 N/A
블록 시간 N/A
블록 보상량 N/A
암호화폐 총 채굴량 84,552,858 ADM
사전 채굴량 N/A
초당 순 해시속도 N/A
ICO 상세내용

ICO 상세내용

Adamant is a blockchain-based system for data and message transfers that acts alongside an integrated payment system, providing users with a secure and encrypted source for business and personal communications.  Adamant features a messenger available for any device, and a corporate system for data and message transfers with an ability to digitally-sign documents and an integrated payment system that allows a company to reduce its internal transactional costs. ADM is a DPoS cryptocurrency used on the platform for secure payments and as an incentive layer.

The Admant ICO began on the 30th of January and will last until the 30th of June. The ICO token allocation represents 75% of the total token supply which will be available at a 0.0004 base price. The ICO funding target is set at 500,000 USD and the cap at 8,000,000 USD.

Token Reserve Split (15%):

  • 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — reserve for system development and infrastructure
  • 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — ADAMANT Business Service marketing reserve;
  • 9% (8,820,000 ADM) — initial Investors’ and founders’ rewards;
  • 8% (7,840,000 ADM) — Adoption wallet for Bounty Campaigns and initial user

The ADM ICO features a bonus and bounty campaign. The ADM token will be mineable through a DPoS system.

Bonus Structure:

  • 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — reserve for system development and infrastructure support; 
  • 4% (3,920,000 ADM) — ADAMANT Business Service marketing reserve;
  • 9% (8,820,000 ADM) — initial Investors’ and founders’ rewards;
  • 8% (7,840,000 ADM) — Adoption wallet for Bounty Campaigns and initial user assessments.
ICO 상태 Ongoing
토큰 공급량 98000000
시작 날짜 2018-01-30
종료 날짜 2018-06-30
기금 조성 (BTC) 563 ETH
기금 조성 (USD) 533039
초기가 (USD) 0.0004
보안 감사 회사 N/A
ICO 법적문제 N/A
ICO 관할권 N/A
법적 조언자 N/A
블로그 N/A