날짜 | 열기 | 닫기 | 높은 | 낮은 |
2022-06-25 | $0.0099730 | $0.009449 | $0.0103100 | $0.009449 |
2022-06-26 | $0.009449 | $0.009447 | $0.009457 | $0.009440 |
2022-07-10 | $0.009496 | $0.009383 | $0.009801 | $0.009175 |
2022-07-11 | $0.009383 | $0.009350 | $0.009383 | $0.009350 |
2022-07-23 | $0.0099820 | $0.009879 | $0.0101000 | $0.009879 |
2022-07-24 | $0.009879 | $0.0103900 | $0.0103900 | $0.0099380 |
2022-07-25 | $0.0103900 | $0.0103900 | $0.0104000 | $0.0103700 |
2022-07-26 | $0.009801 | $0.009566 | $0.009779 | $0.009566 |
2022-07-27 | $0.009566 | $0.009569 | $0.009577 | $0.009542 |
2022-08-11 | $0.0127000 | $0.0124500 | $0.0129300 | $0.0122100 |
2022-08-12 | $0.0124500 | $0.0122100 | $0.0126900 | $0.0117200 |
2022-08-13 | $0.0122100 | $0.0124700 | $0.0129600 | $0.0119800 |
2022-08-14 | $0.0124700 | $0.0124000 | $0.0126400 | $0.0121600 |
2022-08-15 | $0.0124000 | $0.0123900 | $0.0124000 | $0.0123800 |
2022-09-08 | $0.0138900 | $0.0137200 | $0.0143000 | $0.0135300 |
2022-09-09 | $0.0137200 | $0.0141000 | $0.0151700 | $0.0134600 |
2022-09-10 | $0.0141000 | $0.0138600 | $0.0142900 | $0.0134300 |
2022-09-11 | $0.0138600 | $0.0139800 | $0.0152900 | $0.0137600 |
2022-09-12 | $0.0139800 | $0.0136600 | $0.0145600 | $0.0134400 |
2022-09-13 | $0.0136600 | $0.0133100 | $0.0135200 | $0.0121000 |
2022-09-14 | $0.0133100 | $0.0133500 | $0.0135600 | $0.0125400 |
2022-09-15 | $0.0133500 | $0.0128100 | $0.0130000 | $0.0126100 |
2022-09-16 | $0.0128100 | $0.0126700 | $0.0128700 | $0.0126700 |
2022-09-17 | $0.0126700 | $0.0124700 | $0.0128800 | $0.0124700 |
2022-09-18 | $0.0124700 | $0.0122300 | $0.0122300 | $0.0118400 |
2022-09-19 | $0.0122300 | $0.0121200 | $0.0127000 | $0.0121200 |
2022-09-20 | $0.0121200 | $0.0115200 | $0.0118900 | $0.0115200 |
2022-09-21 | $0.0115200 | $0.0116300 | $0.0116300 | $0.0110800 |
2022-09-22 | $0.0116300 | $0.0118400 | $0.0122300 | $0.0116400 |
2022-09-23 | $0.0118400 | $0.0117700 | $0.0121500 | $0.0113800 |
2022-09-24 | $0.0117700 | $0.0117300 | $0.0119200 | $0.0115400 |
2022-09-25 | $0.0117300 | $0.0116600 | $0.0118500 | $0.0114700 |
2022-09-26 | $0.0116600 | $0.0116400 | $0.0116700 | $0.0116300 |
2022-09-30 | $0.0115600 | $0.0112700 | $0.0114600 | $0.0110700 |
2022-10-01 | $0.0112700 | $0.0112000 | $0.0117800 | $0.0110100 |
2022-10-02 | $0.0112000 | $0.0110500 | $0.0112400 | $0.0108600 |
2022-10-03 | $0.0110500 | $0.0111900 | $0.0115800 | $0.0111900 |
2022-10-04 | $0.0111900 | $0.0113900 | $0.0118000 | $0.0111900 |
2022-10-05 | $0.0113900 | $0.0112900 | $0.0114900 | $0.0112900 |
2022-10-06 | $0.0112900 | $0.0113800 | $0.0113800 | $0.0111800 |
2022-10-07 | $0.0113800 | $0.0115200 | $0.0115200 | $0.0111300 |
2022-10-08 | $0.0115200 | $0.0114600 | $0.0114600 | $0.0110700 |
2022-10-09 | $0.0114600 | $0.0114700 | $0.0114700 | $0.0112800 |
2022-10-10 | $0.0114700 | $0.0107100 | $0.0112900 | $0.0105200 |
2022-10-11 | $0.0107100 | $0.0104800 | $0.0108600 | $0.0102900 |
2022-10-12 | $0.0104800 | $0.0103400 | $0.0105400 | $0.0103400 |
2022-10-13 | $0.0103400 | $0.0102700 | $0.0106600 | $0.0102700 |
2022-10-14 | $0.0102700 | $0.0101700 | $0.0103600 | $0.009783 |
2022-10-15 | $0.0101700 | $0.0101100 | $0.0103000 | $0.0099160 |
2022-10-16 | $0.0101100 | $0.0102100 | $0.0104000 | $0.0102100 |
2022-10-17 | $0.0102100 | $0.0101700 | $0.0107500 | $0.0101700 |
2022-10-18 | $0.0101700 | $0.0100500 | $0.0104400 | $0.0100500 |
2022-10-19 | $0.0100500 | $0.0101400 | $0.0103300 | $0.009753 |
2022-10-20 | $0.0101400 | $0.0099030 | $0.0102800 | $0.009712 |
2022-10-21 | $0.0099030 | $0.009583 | $0.0101600 | $0.009583 |
2022-10-22 | $0.009583 | $0.009604 | $0.009796 | $0.009604 |
2022-10-23 | $0.009604 | $0.009610 | $0.009610 | $0.009603 |
2022-10-31 | $0.0103200 | $0.0100400 | $0.0102500 | $0.0100400 |
2022-11-01 | $0.0100400 | $0.0100400 | $0.0102400 | $0.009626 |
2022-11-02 | $0.0100400 | $0.009874 | $0.0100800 | $0.009672 |
2022-11-03 | $0.009874 | $0.0099020 | $0.0099020 | $0.0099020 |
2022-11-04 | $0.0099020 | $0.0101500 | $0.0103600 | $0.0099410 |
2022-11-05 | $0.0101500 | $0.0101500 | $0.0101800 | $0.0101500 |
2022-11-07 | $0.009828 | $0.009885 | $0.0100900 | $0.009473 |
2022-11-08 | $0.009885 | $0.009087 | $0.009272 | $0.008531 |
2022-11-09 | $0.009087 | $0.007752 | $0.008068 | $0.007119 |
2022-11-10 | $0.007752 | $0.008253 | $0.008955 | $0.007375 |
2022-11-11 | $0.008253 | $0.007824 | $0.008334 | $0.006973 |
2022-11-12 | $0.007824 | $0.007213 | $0.007716 | $0.007213 |
2022-11-13 | $0.007213 | $0.007338 | $0.007501 | $0.006360 |
2022-11-14 | $0.007338 | $0.007300 | $0.007798 | $0.007300 |
2022-11-15 | $0.007300 | $0.007427 | $0.007596 | $0.007258 |
2022-11-16 | $0.007427 | $0.007159 | $0.007325 | $0.007159 |
2022-11-17 | $0.007159 | $0.007339 | $0.007339 | $0.007172 |
2022-11-18 | $0.007339 | $0.007505 | $0.007672 | $0.007338 |
2022-11-19 | $0.007505 | $0.007675 | $0.007841 | $0.007508 |
2022-11-20 | $0.007675 | $0.007314 | $0.007639 | $0.007152 |
2022-11-21 | $0.007314 | $0.007565 | $0.007722 | $0.007092 |
2022-11-22 | $0.007565 | $0.007590 | $0.007751 | $0.007267 |
2022-11-23 | $0.007613 | $0.007632 | $0.007798 | $0.007466 |
2022-11-24 | $0.007632 | $0.007465 | $0.007631 | $0.007465 |
2022-11-25 | $0.007465 | $0.007594 | $0.007759 | $0.007429 |
2022-11-26 | $0.007594 | $0.007592 | $0.007597 | $0.007591 |
2022-11-30 | $0.007394 | $0.007551 | $0.007895 | $0.007551 |
2022-12-01 | $0.007551 | $0.007471 | $0.007640 | $0.007471 |
2022-12-02 | $0.007471 | $0.007351 | $0.007522 | $0.007180 |
2022-12-03 | $0.007351 | $0.007431 | $0.007431 | $0.007262 |
2022-12-04 | $0.007431 | $0.007358 | $0.007529 | $0.007358 |
2022-12-05 | $0.007358 | $0.007296 | $0.007465 | $0.007296 |
2022-12-06 | $0.007296 | $0.007347 | $0.007689 | $0.007347 |
2022-12-07 | $0.007347 | $0.007409 | $0.007409 | $0.007240 |
2022-12-08 | $0.007409 | $0.007235 | $0.007924 | $0.007235 |
2022-12-09 | $0.007235 | $0.007365 | $0.007365 | $0.007193 |
2022-12-10 | $0.007365 | $0.008393 | $0.008565 | $0.007366 |
2022-12-11 | $0.008393 | $0.007864 | $0.009744 | $0.007693 |
2022-12-12 | $0.007864 | $0.008260 | $0.008432 | $0.007916 |
2022-12-13 | $0.008260 | $0.007999 | $0.008532 | $0.007999 |
2022-12-14 | $0.007999 | $0.008367 | $0.008367 | $0.008011 |
2022-12-15 | $0.008367 | $0.007985 | $0.008159 | $0.007812 |
2022-12-16 | $0.007985 | $0.007829 | $0.007829 | $0.007496 |
2022-12-17 | $0.007829 | $0.007719 | $0.007887 | $0.007551 |
2022-12-18 | $0.007719 | $0.007702 | $0.007702 | $0.007534 |
2022-12-19 | $0.007702 | $0.008057 | $0.008057 | $0.007399 |
2022-12-20 | $0.008057 | $0.007606 | $0.008282 | $0.007606 |
2022-12-21 | $0.007606 | $0.007738 | $0.008074 | $0.007570 |
2022-12-22 | $0.007738 | $0.007567 | $0.007735 | $0.007567 |
2022-12-23 | $0.007567 | $0.007560 | $0.007569 | $0.007560 |
2022-12-31 | $0.007636 | $0.007604 | $0.007604 | $0.007604 |
2023-01-01 | $0.007604 | $0.007642 | $0.007642 | $0.007642 |
2023-01-02 | $0.007642 | $0.007668 | $0.007668 | $0.007668 |
2023-01-03 | $0.007668 | $0.007668 | $0.007668 | $0.007668 |
2023-01-04 | $0.007668 | $0.007750 | $0.007750 | $0.007750 |
2023-01-05 | $0.007750 | $0.009773 | $0.0099440 | $0.007750 |
2023-01-06 | $0.007740 | $0.007795 | $0.007795 | $0.007795 |
2023-01-07 | $0.007795 | $0.007794 | $0.007794 | $0.007794 |
2023-01-08 | $0.007794 | $0.007873 | $0.007873 | $0.007873 |
2023-01-09 | $0.007873 | $0.007902 | $0.007902 | $0.007902 |
2023-01-10 | $0.007902 | $0.008024 | $0.008024 | $0.008024 |
2023-01-11 | $0.008024 | $0.008251 | $0.008251 | $0.008251 |
2023-01-12 | $0.007893 | $0.007917 | $0.008294 | $0.007917 |
2023-01-13 | $0.007917 | $0.007973 | $0.008571 | $0.007973 |
2023-01-14 | $0.007973 | $0.008591 | $0.009010 | $0.008172 |
2023-01-15 | $0.008591 | $0.008560 | $0.008769 | $0.008352 |
2023-01-16 | $0.008560 | $0.008687 | $0.008899 | $0.008476 |
2023-01-17 | $0.008687 | $0.008454 | $0.008666 | $0.008454 |
2023-01-18 | $0.008454 | $0.008271 | $0.008271 | $0.008271 |
2023-01-19 | $0.008271 | $0.008011 | $0.008433 | $0.008011 |
2023-01-20 | $0.008011 | $0.008390 | $0.008844 | $0.008390 |
2023-01-21 | $0.008390 | $0.008432 | $0.009116 | $0.008204 |
2023-01-22 | $0.008432 | $0.008405 | $0.008632 | $0.008177 |
2023-01-23 | $0.008405 | $0.008938 | $0.008938 | $0.008479 |
2023-01-24 | $0.008938 | $0.009055 | $0.0129000 | $0.008602 |
2023-01-25 | $0.009055 | $0.009061 | $0.009067 | $0.009044 |
2023-01-31 | $0.0100500 | $0.0099460 | $0.0108700 | $0.0099460 |
2023-02-01 | $0.0099460 | $0.0102000 | $0.0106800 | $0.0099670 |
2023-02-02 | $0.0102000 | $0.0103300 | $0.0110300 | $0.009858 |
2023-02-03 | $0.0103300 | $0.0103700 | $0.0103700 | $0.0103300 |
2023-02-05 | $0.0100300 | $0.0100900 | $0.0100900 | $0.009635 |
2023-02-06 | $0.0100900 | $0.009787 | $0.0100200 | $0.009787 |
2023-02-07 | $0.009787 | $0.0102300 | $0.0104600 | $0.009766 |
2023-02-08 | $0.0102300 | $0.009873 | $0.0101000 | $0.009644 |
2023-02-09 | $0.009873 | $0.009595 | $0.009813 | $0.009377 |
2023-02-10 | $0.009595 | $0.009087 | $0.009736 | $0.009087 |
2023-02-11 | $0.009087 | $0.009401 | $0.009401 | $0.008963 |
2023-02-12 | $0.009401 | $0.009370 | $0.009370 | $0.009152 |
2023-02-13 | $0.009370 | $0.008933 | $0.009587 | $0.008715 |
2023-02-14 | $0.008933 | $0.008883 | $0.009106 | $0.008883 |
2023-02-15 | $0.008883 | $0.009490 | $0.0099760 | $0.009490 |
2023-02-16 | $0.009490 | $0.009413 | $0.009413 | $0.008943 |
2023-02-17 | $0.009413 | $0.009586 | $0.0100800 | $0.009586 |
2023-02-18 | $0.009586 | $0.0101000 | $0.0103500 | $0.009609 |
2023-02-19 | $0.0101000 | $0.0099580 | $0.0099580 | $0.009715 |
2023-02-20 | $0.0099580 | $0.0109300 | $0.0124200 | $0.009687 |
2023-02-21 | $0.0109300 | $0.0102700 | $0.0107600 | $0.0100200 |
2023-02-22 | $0.0102700 | $0.0104000 | $0.0108800 | $0.0099170 |
2023-02-23 | $0.0104000 | $0.0104000 | $0.0104100 | $0.0104000 |
2023-02-25 | $0.0099720 | $0.009730 | $0.0101900 | $0.009730 |
2023-02-26 | $0.009730 | $0.009659 | $0.0101300 | $0.009659 |
2023-02-27 | $0.009659 | $0.009651 | $0.009660 | $0.009651 |
2023-02-28 | $0.009866 | $0.009716 | $0.0099480 | $0.009485 |
2023-03-01 | $0.009716 | $0.0099290 | $0.0104000 | $0.009693 |
2023-03-02 | $0.0099290 | $0.009856 | $0.0100900 | $0.009622 |
2023-03-03 | $0.009856 | $0.009615 | $0.009839 | $0.009392 |
2023-03-04 | $0.009615 | $0.009611 | $0.009611 | $0.009387 |
2023-03-05 | $0.009611 | $0.009611 | $0.009613 | $0.009610 |
2023-03-06 | $0.009646 | $0.009636 | $0.009861 | $0.009412 |
2023-03-07 | $0.009636 | $0.009546 | $0.009546 | $0.009324 |
2023-03-08 | $0.009546 | $0.0099850 | $0.0112900 | $0.009117 |
2023-03-09 | $0.0099850 | $0.009166 | $0.009574 | $0.008963 |
2023-03-10 | $0.009166 | $0.009700 | $0.0099020 | $0.008689 |
2023-03-11 | $0.009700 | $0.0101000 | $0.0101000 | $0.009687 |
2023-03-12 | $0.0101000 | $0.0102000 | $0.0108700 | $0.0102000 |
2023-03-13 | $0.0102000 | $0.0106500 | $0.0111300 | $0.0104100 |
2023-03-14 | $0.0106500 | $0.0111400 | $0.0111400 | $0.0099030 |
2023-03-15 | $0.0111400 | $0.0102400 | $0.0109700 | $0.0102400 |
2023-03-16 | $0.0102400 | $0.0107700 | $0.0107700 | $0.0102700 |
2023-03-17 | $0.0107700 | $0.0115300 | $0.0120700 | $0.0109800 |
2023-03-18 | $0.0115300 | $0.0113300 | $0.0116000 | $0.0107900 |
2023-03-19 | $0.0113300 | $0.0115000 | $0.0120600 | $0.0112100 |
2023-03-20 | $0.0115000 | $0.0116800 | $0.0116800 | $0.0111200 |
2023-03-21 | $0.0116800 | $0.0118400 | $0.0121200 | $0.0112700 |
2023-03-22 | $0.0118400 | $0.0120200 | $0.0120200 | $0.0112000 |
2023-03-23 | $0.0120200 | $0.0121900 | $0.0124700 | $0.0116200 |
2023-03-24 | $0.0121900 | $0.0121000 | $0.0121000 | $0.0115500 |
2023-03-25 | $0.0121000 | $0.0118200 | $0.0121000 | $0.0115500 |
2023-03-26 | $0.0118200 | $0.0123200 | $0.0123200 | $0.0114800 |
2023-03-27 | $0.0123200 | $0.0114000 | $0.0122200 | $0.0114000 |
2023-03-28 | $0.0114000 | $0.0120000 | $0.0122700 | $0.0114600 |
2023-03-29 | $0.0120000 | $0.0121900 | $0.0124800 | $0.0119100 |
2023-03-30 | $0.0121900 | $0.0117800 | $0.0123400 | $0.0117800 |
2023-03-31 | $0.0117800 | $0.0122500 | $0.0122500 | $0.0119600 |
2023-04-01 | $0.0122500 | $0.0125200 | $0.0125200 | $0.0119600 |
2023-04-02 | $0.0125200 | $0.0124000 | $0.0126800 | $0.0121200 |
2023-04-03 | $0.0124000 | $0.0127900 | $0.0130700 | $0.0119600 |
2023-04-04 | $0.0127900 | $0.0126800 | $0.0129600 | $0.0124000 |
2023-04-05 | $0.0126800 | $0.0126800 | $0.0129600 | $0.0124000 |
2023-04-06 | $0.0126800 | $0.0131800 | $0.0131800 | $0.0126200 |
2023-04-07 | $0.0131800 | $0.0131200 | $0.0131200 | $0.0128400 |
2023-04-08 | $0.0131200 | $0.0131400 | $0.0131400 | $0.0128600 |
2023-04-09 | $0.0131400 | $0.0130400 | $0.0133200 | $0.0130400 |
2023-04-10 | $0.0130400 | $0.0139400 | $0.0142300 | $0.0133400 |
2023-04-11 | $0.0139400 | $0.0142100 | $0.0145100 | $0.0139000 |
2023-04-12 | $0.0142100 | $0.0140600 | $0.0143500 | $0.0137600 |
2023-04-13 | $0.0140600 | $0.0149000 | $0.0149000 | $0.0139900 |
2023-04-14 | $0.0149000 | $0.0155500 | $0.0155500 | $0.0143300 |
2023-04-15 | $0.0155500 | $0.0166800 | $0.0178900 | $0.0151600 |
2023-04-16 | $0.0166800 | $0.0166800 | $0.0178900 | $0.0160700 |
2023-04-17 | $0.0166800 | $0.0162000 | $0.0170800 | $0.0162000 |
2023-04-18 | $0.0162000 | $0.0155000 | $0.0170200 | $0.0155000 |
2023-04-19 | $0.0155000 | $0.0147000 | $0.0161400 | $0.0144100 |
2023-04-20 | $0.0147000 | $0.0146900 | $0.0146900 | $0.0141200 |
2023-04-21 | $0.0146900 | $0.0144500 | $0.0144500 | $0.0136300 |
2023-04-22 | $0.0144500 | $0.0139100 | $0.0147400 | $0.0136300 |
2023-04-23 | $0.0139100 | $0.0140700 | $0.0140700 | $0.0135200 |
2023-04-24 | $0.0140700 | $0.0140400 | $0.0140400 | $0.0137600 |
2023-04-25 | $0.0140400 | $0.0138700 | $0.0144400 | $0.0138700 |
2023-04-26 | $0.0138700 | $0.0142200 | $0.0150700 | $0.0133600 |
2023-04-27 | $0.0142200 | $0.0141500 | $0.0147400 | $0.0141500 |
2023-04-28 | $0.0141500 | $0.0137900 | $0.0155500 | $0.0137900 |
2023-04-29 | $0.0137900 | $0.0140400 | $0.0143300 | $0.0137500 |
2023-04-30 | $0.0140400 | $0.0143200 | $0.0143200 | $0.0140300 |
2023-05-01 | $0.0143200 | $0.0146000 | $0.0146000 | $0.0134800 |
2023-05-02 | $0.0146000 | $0.0140600 | $0.0149200 | $0.0137700 |
2023-05-03 | $0.0140600 | $0.0139400 | $0.0145200 | $0.0139400 |
2023-05-04 | $0.0139400 | $0.0141400 | $0.0141400 | $0.0138600 |
2023-05-05 | $0.0141400 | $0.0144800 | $0.0147800 | $0.0138900 |
2023-05-06 | $0.0144800 | $0.0138900 | $0.0141800 | $0.0138900 |
2023-05-07 | $0.0138900 | $0.0140000 | $0.0140000 | $0.0137200 |
2023-05-08 | $0.0140000 | $0.0136100 | $0.0138900 | $0.0119500 |
2023-05-09 | $0.0136100 | $0.0138400 | $0.0138400 | $0.0130100 |
2023-05-10 | $0.0138400 | $0.0129900 | $0.0138100 | $0.0129900 |
2023-05-11 | $0.0129900 | $0.0129600 | $0.0132300 | $0.0126900 |
2023-05-12 | $0.0129600 | $0.0128700 | $0.0134000 | $0.0126000 |
2023-05-13 | $0.0128700 | $0.0131300 | $0.0136600 | $0.0128600 |
2023-05-14 | $0.0131300 | $0.0129300 | $0.0134700 | $0.0129300 |
2023-05-15 | $0.0129300 | $0.0133200 | $0.0135900 | $0.0130400 |
2023-05-16 | $0.0133200 | $0.0133200 | $0.0133200 | $0.0133100 |
Maester is a term borrowed from the popular fantasy television series - The Game of Thrones, where Maesters, are an order of scholars, healers, and learned men in the Seven Kingdoms. Due to their scientific and intellectual pursuits, they are sometimes referred to as "the knights of the mind". In the context of the platform, a Maester means a professional that other users can reach out to for consultation. We believe every one of us has a skill or knowledge that others can imbibe from us and hence we call our users ‘Maesters’ and the digital currency associated Maester Coin. Hence our mantra, Anyone can be a Maester and earn more with Maester Protocol.
Users can post blogs, pictures, and videos on the platform showcasing their skills or knowledge about the subject to establish thought leadership. This is called Professional Reputation Management or PRM. The Maester protocol through its proprietary algorithm generates a PRM score for every user by analyzing user demographic & activity variables using typical data mining technique of logistic regression.
전체 이름 | Maester Protocol (MAP) |
시작 날짜 | N/A |
알고리즘 | N/A |
Proof Type | N/A |
웹사이트 | https://www.maesterprotocol.com |
트위터 | @MaesterProtocol |
페이스북 | N/A |
레딧 | https://www.reddit.com/r/Maesterprotocol/ |
블록 넘버 | N/A |
블록 시간 | N/A |
블록 보상량 | N/A |
암호화폐 총 채굴량 | N/A |
사전 채굴량 | N/A |
초당 순 해시속도 | N/A |
Maester is a term borrowed from the popular fantasy television series - The Game of Thrones, where Maesters, are an order of scholars, healers, and learned men in the Seven Kingdoms. Due to their scientific and intellectual pursuits, they are sometimes referred to as "the knights of the mind". In the context of the platform, a Maester means a professional that other users can reach out to for consultation. We believe every one of us has a skill or knowledge that others can imbibe from us and hence we call our users ‘Maesters’ and the digital currency associated Maester Coin. Hence our mantra, Anyone can be a Maester and earn more with Maester Protocol.
Users can post blogs, pictures, and videos on the platform showcasing their skills or knowledge about the subject to establish thought leadership. This is called Professional Reputation Management or PRM. The Maester protocol through its proprietary algorithm generates a PRM score for every user by analyzing user demographic & activity variables using typical data mining technique of logistic regression.
Maester Protocol ICO will begin on January 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 30% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 300,000,000 MAP tokens available, for 0.1 USD each. The ICO funding target is 10,000,000 MAP, the funding cap is 300,000,000 MAP and is expected to end on January 31, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached.
Token Reserve Split (70%):
Maester Protocol ICO features the following bonus structure.
Bonus Structure:
ICO 상태 | Upcoming |
토큰 공급량 | 1000000000 |
시작 날짜 | 2019-01-02 |
종료 날짜 | 2019-01-31 |
기금 조성 (BTC) | N/A |
기금 조성 (USD) | N/A |
초기가 (USD) | 0.1 |
보안 감사 회사 | N/A |
ICO 법적문제 | Corporation |
ICO 관할권 | Estonia |
법적 조언자 | N/A |
블로그 | https://medium.com/@maesterprotocol |
백서 | https://maesterprotocol.com/MaesterProtocol_Whitepaper_V1.0.pdf |