Spendcoin 순위 753
Spendcoin 순위 753
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2,275,119,145 SPND


Spendcoin 가격

Spendcoin 24h Vol

Spendcoin 시가 총액

24시간 볼륨
1 H
-2.49 %
24 H
1.65 %
7 d
0.88 %
오늘 Spendcoin 미국 달러의 가격은 현재입니다. 0.0009 USD, 변환 된 경우 Bitcoin ~이다. 0.00000010 BTC. 총 2,275,119,145 SPND 현재 시장에서 유통되고있다.. Spendcoin 가격에 변화가 생겼다. 1.65 %, 검사 모든 암호 해독. 지난 24 시간 동안 0.001 M US dollars Spendcoin ~에 거래되었습니다 암호 교환. 도망 Spendcoin's 귀하의 컴퓨터에 추가하여 진행하십시오. 즐겨 찾기 무료로 포트폴리오.
전체 이름
ETH Token
BTC 가격
0.00000010 BTC
BTC 시장
231 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
암호화폐 총 채굴량
2,275,119,145 SPND
-2.49 %
1.65 %
0.88 %
Share Spendcoin Price




The Spindle is an investment/asset management platform for virtual hedge funds and ICOs based on blockchain and smart contract technologies. The platform will allow any individuals and corporate entities to invest in cryptocurrency hedge funds and/or ICOs using the Spindle application (SPA). Furthermore, the SPA will enable communication via open and closed forums for holders of Spindle’s cryptocurrency (SPD) and the various investment bodies previously mentioned.

The Spindle token (SPD) is an ERC-20 compliant token that will be used as the utility token on the platform.

전체 이름 Spindle (SPND)
시작 날짜 2018-09-03
알고리즘 ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
웹사이트 https://www.spindle.zone/
트위터 @spindlezone
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/spindlespd/
레딧 https://www.reddit.com/r/SPINDLEZONE/
블록 넘버 N/A
블록 시간 N/A
블록 보상량 N/A
암호화폐 총 채굴량 2,275,119,145 SPND
사전 채굴량 N/A
초당 순 해시속도 N/A
ICO 상세내용

ICO 상세내용

The Spindle is an investment/asset management platform for virtual hedge funds and ICOs based on blockchain and smart contract technologies. The platform will allow any individuals and corporate entities to invest in cryptocurrency hedge funds and/or ICOs using the Spindle application (SPA). Furthermore, the SPA will enable communication via open and closed forums for holders of Spindle’s cryptocurrency (SPD) and the various investment bodies previously mentioned.

The Spindle token (SPD) is an ERC-20 compliant token that will be used as the utility token on the platform.


  • Masamitsu Hirai: President & CEO.
  • Tsunehisa Kasai: Executive Vice President & COO.
  • Takashi Koga: Executive Director.
  • Lina Seiche: Spindle PR Manager/Evangelist.
  • Masashi Sakuma: Auditor. 

The Spindle is holding its ICO in two phases, the private pre-sale, which took place in March and the main sale. The main sale is set to start in 21st of April 2018 and is expected to end on the 7th of May. The ICO token supply represents 65% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 6,500,000,000 tokens available, for 0.00033 ETH each during the offering. The ICO funding target is 60,000 ETH, the funding cap is 1,581,000 ETH and is expected to end on the 7th of May, 2018 or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (35%):

  • 5% Institutional Investors;
  • 15% Team;
  • 5% Regal & Advisory;
  • 10% M&A Buyback & Options;

Spindle ICO will feature a bounty campaign, and the token will not be mineable.

Bonus Campaign:

  • 4/29 - 5/6 0.00033 ETH
  • 5/7 - 5/11 0.00036 ETH
  • 5/12 - 5/15 0.00048 ETH
ICO 상태 Upcoming
토큰 공급량 10000000000
시작 날짜 2018-05-09
종료 날짜 2018-05-15
기금 조성 (BTC) N/A
기금 조성 (USD) N/A
초기가 (USD) 0.00033
보안 감사 회사 Zeppelin Solutions
ICO 법적문제 Corporation
ICO 관할권 UK
법적 조언자 Hirotoshi Kakumoto
블로그 https://medium.com/@SPINDLE_ZONE/
백서 https://spindle.zone/spindlewp_en.pdf