Wings 순위 498
Wings 순위 498
웹사이트 Twitter
97,259,638 WINGS


Wings 가격

Wings 24h Vol

Wings 시가 총액

24시간 볼륨
24 BTC
1 H
-0.38 %
24 H
0.88 %
7 d
-6.39 %
오늘 Wings 미국 달러의 가격은 현재입니다. 0.0611 USD, 변환 된 경우 Bitcoin ~이다. 0.00000661 BTC. 총 97,259,638 WINGS 현재 시장에서 유통되고있다.. Wings 가격에 변화가 생겼다. 0.88 %, 검사 모든 암호 해독. 지난 24 시간 동안 0.002 M US dollars Wings ~에 거래되었습니다 암호 교환. 도망 Wings's 귀하의 컴퓨터에 추가하여 진행하십시오. 즐겨 찾기 무료로 포트폴리오.
전체 이름
BTC 가격
0.00000661 BTC
BTC 시장
642 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
24 BTC
암호화폐 총 채굴량
97,259,638 WINGS
-0.38 %
0.88 %
-6.39 %
Share Wings Price




Wings is a platform where users can create and invest in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). These DAOs can be created without any specific coding knowledge or technical skills, and are approved through a prediction market feature. the Wings Platform is run by a DAO itself, the Wings DAO. Wings DAO tokens, WINGS, represent a share within that DAO and allows users to vote on the developments of the platform, and to recieve dividends from the fees generated within the platform.

전체 이름 Wings DAO (WINGS)
시작 날짜 N/A
알고리즘 N/A
Proof Type N/A
트위터 @wingsplatform
페이스북 N/A
레딧 N/A
블록 넘버 N/A
블록 시간 N/A
블록 보상량 N/A
암호화폐 총 채굴량 97,259,638 WINGS
사전 채굴량 N/A
초당 순 해시속도 N/A
ICO 상세내용

ICO 상세내용

Wings tokens serve as a means of participating in the prediction market (as a submitter or a forecaster) and a means of preventing spam and sybil attacks. All transactions will require a small fee, similar to Ethereum’s gas fees. Submitting a proposal will also require a listing fee, which can vary based on the proposal submitter’s forecast rating and is meant to discourage spam. 


  • Serguei Popov: Scientific Advisor. (LinkedIn);
  • Boris Povod: Blockchain Developer. (LinkedIn, Twitter);
  • Stas Oskin: Biz Dev and Core Dev. (LinkedIn);
  • Alexey Kopievsky: Senior Frontend Developer. (LinkedIn);
  • Artem Gorbachev: Math Model Developer. (LinkedIn);
  • Harsh Vakharia: Full Stack Developer. (LinkedIn, Twitter);
  • Sebastian Stupurac: Project & Product. (LinkedIn);
  • Dominik Zynis: Marketing & Communications. (Twitter);
  • Nikolay Taymanov: Community Manager. (Twitter);

Wings held its ICO on November 18, 2016 and raised close to $2 Million (2010.4 BTC) in the crowdfund. The ICO ended on January 6, 2017. The foundation paid some debts and of that amount just a bit over $350,000 worth of BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC and XRP were allocated to the marketing and communications fund which is managed by Dominik Zynis, WINGS co-founder and WINGS Foundation communications lead. The foundation sold some BTC and XRP to various fiat currencies. After their sales, the portfolio increased in value to around $1 Million (May 2, 2017) which was allocated for communications and marketing activities over the life of the foundation. The foundation has divested from the BTC, XRP, LTC, ETH, ETC and have focused on investing the fund in ERC20 tokens. You need to register on the website to get the whitepaper.

Ethscan and Roadmap.

ICO 상태 Finished
토큰 공급량 100000000
시작 날짜 2016-11-18
종료 날짜 2017-01-06
기금 조성 (BTC) N/A
기금 조성 (USD) 2000000
초기가 (USD) 0.026
보안 감사 회사 N/A
ICO 법적문제 N/A
ICO 관할권 N/A
법적 조언자 N/A