WAX Sıra 87
WAX Sıra 87
Web sitesi Reddit Twitter
1,221,240,024 WAXP


WAX Fiyat

WAX 24h Vol

WAX Kripto Değeri

24-Saat Hacmi
499 BTC
1 H
-0.69 %
24 H
-0.8 %
7 d
11.79 %
Bugün WAX ABD doları cinsinden fiyat şu anda 0.0568 USD, ve eğer dönüştürülürse Bitcoin olduğu 0.00000614 BTC. Toplamda 1,221,240,024 WAXP şu anda piyasada dolaşıyor. WAX fiyatlar şu anda bir değişiklik yaşıyor -0.8 %, Kontrol tüm cryptocurrency. Son 24 saat içinde 0.046 M US dollars WAX işlem görmüştür Kripto Değişimleri. Almak WAX's eklemek için ilerleme Favoriler ve ücretsiz oluşturma portföy.
Ad Soyad
ETH Token
BTC fiyat
0.00000614 BTC
BTC pazar
7,494 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
499 BTC
Toplam Madeni Paralar
1,221,240,024 WAXP
-0.69 %
-0.8 %
11.79 %
Share WAX Price




Worldwide Asset eXchange is a decentralized platform that enables users to operate a fully functioning virtual marketplace. It is an item repository and was designed to serve videogamers to collect and trade virtual assets. WAXP is an ERC 20 utility token that supports the activities and functionality of the Worldwide Asset eXchange's platform, such as listing items for sale, transacting value between each other, settling the transfer of virtual goods, creating and servicing contracts, and proposing and voting for WAX Decentralized Exchange Multi-Party Payout Settlement Agent Asset Guilds. 

Ad Soyad Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAXP)
Başlangıç 2017-05-10
Algoritma ETH Token
Geçirmez türü N/A
Web sitesi https://wax.io/
Twitter @wax_io
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/waxtoken/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/WAXtoken/
Blok numarası N/A
Blok saat N/A
Blok ödül N/A
Toplam Madeni Paralar 1,221,240,024 WAXP
Önceki Toplam Madeni Paralar N/A
Saniyede Net Hashes N/A
ICO Detayları

ICO Detayları

Worldwide Asset eXchange is a decentralized platform that enables users to operate a fully functioning virtual marketplace. It is an item repository and was designed to serve videogamers to collect and trade virtual assets. WAX is an ERC 20 utility token that supports the activities and functionality of the Worldwide Asset eXchange's platform, such as listing items for sale, transacting value between each other, settling the transfer of virtual goods, creating and servicing contracts, and proposing and voting for WAX Decentralized Exchange Multi-Party Payout Settlement Agent Asset Guilds. 


  • William Edward Quigley: CEO
  • Malcolm CasSelle: President.
  • John Brechisci, Jr.Lead Designer.
  • Jonathan Yantis COO.

Worldwide Asset eXchange is currently holding its Pre-sale, which will end on November 15th, at noon. The Pre-sale funding cap is 70,000 ETH and each token is offered for 0.00333333333 ETH. The main ICO will be held on September 26th, 2017. The ICO token supply represents 35% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 64,750,000 tokens available, for a starting price of 0.00666666666 ETH each at the offering. The ICO the funding cap is 90,000 ETH and is expected to end on November 29th, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (65%):

  • 20% WAX Team and Founders;
  • 15% Contributors and Advisors;
  • 30% Market Development;

Worldwide Asset eXchange ICO campaign will feature Bonuses, and the token will not be mineable.

Bonus Structure:

İCO durum Upcoming
Jeton Kaynağı 1850000000
Başlangıç 2017-09-26
Bitiş 2017-11-29
Yükseltilmiş Fon (BTC) Pre-sale: 140,000 ETH Main ICO: 64,401,284 WAX tokens sold
Yükseltilmiş Fon (USD) 80000000
Başlangıç Fiyatı (USD) 0.00667
Başlangıç Fiyatı (USD) N/A
İCO Yasal Formu N/A
İCO Yargı Yetkisi 590
Legal Advisers N/A
Blog https://medium.com/wax-io/
Beyaz kağıt https://wax.io/documents/WAX_White_Paper.pdf?1514330404