Animation Vision Cash (AVH) is a decentralized adult content publishing and copyright trading platform. It aims to integrate the blockchain technology within the adult industry by providing consumers and content creators access to features that can be used to make payments, smart contracts and social groups.
AVH token is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency and was developed by the Animation Vision Cash platform. It serves as a medium of exchange between AVH users as well as to receive rewards, either by watching and voting on content or publishing it.
全名 | Animation Vision Cash (AVH) |
开始日期 | N/A |
算法 | N/A |
证明类型 | N/A |
网站 | http://www.av.cash/ |
@AvHcommunity | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
块号 | N/A |
阻止时间 | N/A |
阻止奖励 | N/A |
开采的总硬币 | N/A |
以前的总硬币开采 | N/A |
每秒净哈希值 | N/A |