DigiByte 秩 36
DigiByte 秩 36
网站 Twitter
13,319,190,638 DGB


DigiByte 价钱

DigiByte 24h Vol

DigiByte 市值

2,037 BTC
1 H
-0.48 %
24 H
7.43 %
7 d
5.77 %
今天 DigiByte 目前以美元计价 0.0217 USD, 如果转换为 Bitcoin 0.00000234 BTC. 总计 13,319,190,638 DGB 目前正在市场上流传。 DigiByte 价格目前正在经历变化 7.43 %, 校验 所有加密货币. 过去24小时 0.188 M US dollars DigiByte 已被交易 加密交换. 得到 DigiByte's 通过将其添加到您的 最爱 并创造一个免费的 投资组合.
BTC 价钱
0.00000234 BTC
BTC 市场
31,197 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
2,037 BTC
13,319,190,638 DGB
-0.48 %
7.43 %
5.77 %
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A coin that has adopted the Bitcoin "21" figure but increased the supply to 21 billion - with over 5 algorithms to mine with (Scryt, Sha-256, Qubit, Skein, Groestl)  - in order to keep mining local and in the hands of many. A 60 second block target, a 0.5% premine and a block retarget every 2.4 hrs or 244 blocks.

DigiByte: Refers to the entire DigiByte network or a single monetary unit on the payment network. 21 billion DigiBytes will be created over 21 years.

Block: A grouping of all transactions sent over the DigiByte network within a 30 second time frame. Think of a block as an excel spreadsheet that lists the address location of all DigiBytes at a given point in time in history. New DigiBytes are brought into circulation as each block is discovered on the network through a process called mining.

Mining: Mining is how transactions are processed on the network. Anyone can become a miner by donating and using their desktop, laptop or mobile phone computing power to help process transactions on the DigiByte network.  DigiByte has made this process even easier with our 3 click mining software for beginners.

Blockchain: The DigiByte blockchain is the entire history of all blocks discovered on the network & therefore all transactions made on the network. Each block references the proceeding block all the way back to the beginning of the network to what is known as the genesis block. By linking blocks (spreadsheets) together an accurate, secure accounting of all up to date DigiByte ownership is made by decentralized consensus.

全名 DigiByte (DGB)
开始日期 2014-12-01
算法 Multiple
证明类型 PoW
网站 http://www.digibyte.co/
Twitter @DigiByteCoin
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
块号 N/A
阻止时间 N/A
阻止奖励 N/A
开采的总硬币 13,319,190,638 DGB
以前的总硬币开采 N/A
每秒净哈希值 N/A


Security: DigiByte uses five highly advanced cryptographic algorithms.

Speed: DigiByte transaction notifications occur in 1-3 seconds, blocks are discovered every thirty seconds and transactions are fully confirmed every 3 minutes. Future planned upgrades will make these times even faster.

Fees: Most DigiByte to DigiByte transactions are free or carry a very small network-mining fee to incentivize people to mine.

Worldwide: DigiBytes are already stored, traded and transacted in over 89 countries.

Decentralization: There is no need for a middleman or third party or central server.

Re-Spend: Send DigiBytes you received to someone else in as little as three minutes.

Finite Production: New DigiBytes are added to the network every thirty seconds through a process called mining as each new block (or grouping of transactions in a spreadsheet like format) is discovered by the network.

Scarcity: 21 Billion DigiBytes will be created in 21 years.

1% Monthly New Minting Reduction: New DigiByte production decreases 1% every month.

Mining: DigiByte mining is decentralized with five independent, highly secure mining algorithms.

Adaptable, innovative & flexible: DigiByte is constantly adding new features & services to remain on the cutting edge of digital currency technology.

Committed Development: DigiByte has been under constant, progressive development for over one year now with core development team members from all over the world.

Millennial Acquisition Potential: DigiByte provides merchants, banks & other legacy institutions with a new means of acquiring & connecting with tech savvy millennial users.

A Bright Future: DigiByte has many new & exciting projects underway to be released throughout 2015 to increase DigiByte utility and new user adoption across the globe.



Absolute Security: Our number one priority will now and forever be network and user security.

Speedy Transactions: We strive to create the fastest possible decentralized transactions.

Worldwide Decentralization: Keep the network open, transparent and accessible at all times.

Ease of Use: Allow anyone to use and benefit from DigiByte in an easy to understand manner.

Flexible Innovation: Quickly improve, adapt and innovate as new technology and threats arise.