Why Play-to-Earn Games Are a Perfect Match for India

Why Play-to-Earn Games Are a Perfect Match for India

2022-06-24 01:00:06

Gaming has evolved from a way to pass the time and amuse oneself to a way to reward gamers using blockchain-based technology like NFTs. Gamers were once thought of as people who waste their time playing video games rather than doing anything productive. However, that’s changed drastically over the last few years. Play-to-Earn video games allow users to earn real-world incentives. It embraces an open economy and compensates all players who contribute to the game. Gamers have the ability to “farm” digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs to sell on the market. The worldwide gaming market could be valued at $268 billion by 2025. It’s reasonable to conclude that cryptocurrencies have penetrated this booming sector thanks to the benefits of blockchain technology. By letting developers recognize that they can build and transfer real value in the ecosystem, NFTs have played a crucial role in this expansion. If you look at Axie Infinity’s past revenue and transaction volume, it’s plausible to conclude that P2E gaming models are a huge success even in developing countries, such as the Philippines, where a large chunk of its userbase is based. This begs the question, “Can this success of Play-to-Earn Games be replicated in India?” Yes. Why? There are several elements that make India an ideal market for P2E gaming. The Scope of Play-to-Earn Games in India Several lockdowns and restrictions enforced by the COVID-19 outbreak have chan...