Uniswap Supports ETH Merge, Has No Plans to Back Forks on Website

Uniswap Supports ETH Merge, Has No Plans to Back Forks on Website

2022-09-08 08:15:01

Regarding the Ethereum Merge, Uniswap said in a statement that it would support the Merge and had no intentions to support any forks in its web app. The protocol and the online application will continue to work during the Merge. The blog post states, “As a Uniswap Protocol user, you do not need to do anything. The Uniswap Protocol will continue to work without issue through this transition.” The online app (app.uniswap.org) will continue to run, although some users might suffer brief outages if one of the third-party infrastructure providers (such as node providers) experiences downtime. The Merge is coming, but Uniswap users don't need to do anything. We support the upgrade & have no plans to back forks in our web app. For those building, read our blog on keeping web3 safe post-merge when dealing with replayable permits & TWAP oracles. https://t.co/MA7l8j0rnv — Uniswap Labs 🦄 (@Uniswap) September 7, 2022 Support For Ethereum Merge The Uniswap protocol is non-custodial, permissionless, and self-executing through smart contracts or groups of code. It can operate on a blockchain and is the biggest decentralized exchange on Ethereum. However, Uniswap Labs, primarily responsible for the protocol’s creation, is noteworthy for endorsing the post-merge Ethereum Proof-of-Stake chain. Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracle Security Uniswap v3 oracles were created with PoW security tradeoffs in mind, making it difficult for one entity to mine several ...