Hiveterminal Token 순위 677
Hiveterminal Token 순위 677
웹사이트 Twitter
500,000,000 HVN

Hiveterminal Token
Hiveterminal Token

Hiveterminal Token 가격

Hiveterminal Token 24h Vol

Hiveterminal Token 시가 총액

24시간 볼륨
1 H
-0.21 %
24 H
26.78 %
7 d
2.49 %
오늘 Hiveterminal Token 미국 달러의 가격은 현재입니다. 0.0059 USD, 변환 된 경우 Bitcoin ~이다. 0.00000064 BTC. 총 500,000,000 HVN 현재 시장에서 유통되고있다.. Hiveterminal Token 가격에 변화가 생겼다. 26.78 %, 검사 모든 암호 해독. 지난 24 시간 동안 0.000 M US dollars Hiveterminal Token ~에 거래되었습니다 암호 교환. 도망 Hiveterminal Token's 귀하의 컴퓨터에 추가하여 진행하십시오. 즐겨 찾기 무료로 포트폴리오.
전체 이름
Hiveterminal Token
BTC 가격
0.00000064 BTC
BTC 시장
321 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
암호화폐 총 채굴량
500,000,000 HVN
-0.21 %
26.78 %
2.49 %
Share Hiveterminal Token Price




The Hive project aims to open up an entirely new market that provides liquidity to SMEs that are not able to get invoice factoring from traditional institutions. Through the use of the Ethereum blockchain, Hive serves as a decentralized data room for all invoices submitted assigns a unique fingerprint to every invoice issued by tokenizing invoices and publishing them on blockchain. This makes itpossible for businesses to automate their invoicing process and take advantage of factoring services.

The HVN is an ERC20 token bult on Ethereum that grants its holder the right to claim right over invoices on the Hive platform and obtain credit scores for certain entities which have a sufficient financial track record on the Hive blockchain.

전체 이름 Hive Project (HVN)
시작 날짜 2017-03-07
알고리즘 N/A
Proof Type N/A
트위터 @hiveproject_net
페이스북 N/A
레딧 N/A
블록 넘버 N/A
블록 시간 N/A
블록 보상량 N/A
암호화폐 총 채굴량 500,000,000 HVN
사전 채굴량 N/A
초당 순 해시속도 N/A
ICO 상세내용

ICO 상세내용

The Hive project aims to open up an entirely new market that provides liquidity to SMEs that are not able to get invoice factoring from traditional institutions. The HVN is an ERC20 token bult on Ethereum that grants its holder the right to claim right over invoices on the Hive platform and obtain credit scores for certain entities which have a sufficient financial track record on the Hive blockchain.

The Hive ICO will start on the 3rth of June and will last until the 14th of August. During the ICO, 75% of the 500000000 tokens will be distributed. 20% of the tokens are held for the development of Hive, 3% for User Growth Pool, and 2% for bounty campaigns. The campaign as a 2,000 BTC minimum funding goal and a 10,000 BTC hard cap. If the Hive ICO exceeds 1,500 BTC, the token holders will have the value of their tokens backed by Hive’s initial
liquidity pool, which will selectively invest in invoices at a discount that is sufficient to enable a proper yield in
risk-reward terms. The HVN ICO Bonus structure is as follows:

Week 1 - 15% bonus 
Week 2 - 12% bonus 
Week 3 - 9% bonus 
Week 4 - 6% bonus 
Week 5 - 3% bonus 
Week 6 - 0% bonus

The Hive ICO counts with the participation of an Escrow team that will hold ICO funds.


ICO 상태 Finished
토큰 공급량 500000000
시작 날짜 2017-07-03
종료 날짜 2017-08-14
기금 조성 (BTC) 2,022 BTC BTC
기금 조성 (USD) 8530867
초기가 (USD) N/A
보안 감사 회사 N/A
ICO 법적문제 N/A
ICO 관할권 N/A
법적 조언자 N/A