Diamond Platform Token Rango 458
Diamond Platform Token Rango 458
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1,722,566 DPT

Diamond Platform Token
Diamond Platform Token

Diamond Platform Token Prezzo

Diamond Platform Token 24h Vol

Diamond Platform Token Mercato

24h Vol
1 H
1.86 %
24 H
-9.79 %
7 d
-26.05 %
Oggi Diamond Platform Token il prezzo in dollari USA è attualmente 4.19 USD, e se convertito a Bitcoin è 0.00045307 BTC. Un totale di 1,722,566 DPT sono attualmente in circolazione nel mercato. Diamond Platform Token i prezzi stanno attualmente subendo un cambiamento -9.79 %, dai un'occhiata tutta criptovaluta. Nelle ultime 24 ore 0.000 M US dollars Diamond Platform Token è stato scambiato su Scambi crittografici. Ottenere Diamond Platform Token's progredire aggiungendolo al tuo preferite e creando un libero portafoglio.
Nome e cognome
Diamond Platform Token
BTC Prezzo
0.00045307 BTC
BTC Mercato
780 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Monete totali estratte
1,722,566 DPT
1.86 %
-9.79 %
-26.05 %
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Deliverers Power Token brings consumers, companies, deliverers and investors together in a single decentralized network, using blockchain technology, to disrupt the delivery market by cutting out the middleman to build a more efficient delivery network that saves money for shippers, earns more money for drivers, and helps reduce pollution all at the same time.

To start, the platform will be offered only in local markets, handling last-mile and intra-city deliveries (within a radius of 20 miles, for longer distance deliveries, the parcel will be dropped off to Deliverers Power Token long distance delivery partner). Its custom built platform allows businesses and individuals to book delivery in a few, simple steps. Much like Uber, drivers can accept the delivery request from the convenience of the driver app. And, just like in traditional deliveries, the driver delivers the parcel with their own car or one provided by the DPT platform.

Nome e cognome Deliverers Power Token (DPT)
Data d'inizio 2018-06-09
Algoritmo N/A
Tipo di prova N/A
Sito web https://www.delivererspowertoken.com
Twitter @delivererspower
Facebook N/A
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/deliverpowertoken/
Numero di blocco N/A
Block Time N/A
Ricompensa del blocco N/A
Monete totali estratte 1,722,566 DPT
Precedente monete totali estratte N/A
Hash netti al secondo N/A
ICO Dettagli

ICO Dettagli

Deliverers Power Token brings consumers, companies, deliverers and investors together in a single decentralized network, using blockchain technology, to disrupt the delivery market by cutting out the middleman to build a more efficient delivery network that saves money for shippers, earns more money for drivers, and helps reduce pollution all at the same time.

To start, the platform will be offered only in local markets, handling last-mile and intra-city deliveries (within a radius of 20 miles, for longer distance deliveries, the parcel will be dropped off to Deliverers Power Token long distance delivery partner). Its custom built platform allows businesses and individuals to book delivery in a few, simple steps. Much like Uber, drivers can accept the delivery request from the convenience of the driver app. And, just like in traditional deliveries, the driver delivers the parcel with their own car or one provided by the DPT platform.


  • Frank Wijnen: Founder and CEO.
  • Alex Mathai: Advisor.
  • Sam Wijnen: Advisor.
  • Ajay Shukla: Advisor.

Deliverers Power Token ICO will begin on January 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 51% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 5,000,000,000 DPT tokens available, for 0.000167 ETH each. The ICO funding cap is 204,000,000 USD and is expected to end on June 20, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached. Any unsold/remaining tokens will be burned.

Token Reserve Split (49%):

  • 29% DPT platform;
  • 15% Team pool;
  • 2.5% Advisors;
  • 2.5% Bounty.

Deliverers Power Token ICO features a bounty campaign and the following bonus structure.

Bonus Structure:

Private Sale:

  • 100% 10 July 2018 - 23 August 2018;


  • 50% 24 August 2018- 24 September 2018;
  • 25% 24 September 2018 - 24 October 2018.



ICO Stato Upcoming
Fornitura di token 5000000000
Data d'inizio 2019-01-01
Data di fine 2019-06-20
Fondo raccolto (BTC) N/A
Fondo raccolto (USD) N/A
Prezzo iniziale (USD) 0.000167
Società di audit di sicurezza N/A
ICO Forma legale Corporation
ICO Giurisdizione Netherlands
Consulenti legali N/A
blog https://medium.com/@deliverpowertoken
Carta bianca https://www.delivererspowertoken.com/uploads/whitepaper.pdf