Fetch.ai Rango 100
Fetch.ai Rango 100
Sito web Twitter
818,912,300 FET


Fetch.ai Prezzo

Fetch.ai 24h Vol

Fetch.ai Mercato

24h Vol
7,443 BTC
1 H
0.38 %
24 H
7.8 %
7 d
20.48 %
Oggi Fetch.ai il prezzo in dollari USA è attualmente 0.4306 USD, e se convertito a Bitcoin è 0.00001735 BTC. Un totale di 818,912,300 FET sono attualmente in circolazione nel mercato. Fetch.ai i prezzi stanno attualmente subendo un cambiamento 7.8 %, dai un'occhiata tutta criptovaluta. Nelle ultime 24 ore 1.848 M US dollars Fetch.ai è stato scambiato su Scambi crittografici. Ottenere Fetch.ai's progredire aggiungendolo al tuo preferite e creando un libero portafoglio.
Nome e cognome
ETH Token
BTC Prezzo
0.00001735 BTC
BTC Mercato
14,206 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
7,443 BTC
Monete totali estratte
818,912,300 FET
0.38 %
7.8 %
20.48 %
Sito web
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Fetch.AI is a decentralized digital world in which useful economic activity can take place. This activity is performed by digital entities called Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs). AEAs can work alone, together, serially or in parallel, and they can represent humans, services, themselves, data and more. AEAs connect to the world through our Open Economic Framework (OEF) which acts as an agent’s senses. The OEF presents a highly tailored world to each individual agent, one that is adapted specifically for it. Underpinning this is the Fetch Smart Ledger which provides the network’s integrity and delivers consensus through useful proof of work. Fetch are developing the OEF and Smart Ledger to enable everyone to develop agents.

Nome e cognome Fetch.AI (FET)
Data d'inizio 2018-01-03
Algoritmo ETH Token
Tipo di prova N/A
Sito web https://fetch.ai
Twitter @fetch_ai
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Numero di blocco N/A
Block Time N/A
Ricompensa del blocco N/A
Monete totali estratte 818,912,300 FET
Precedente monete totali estratte N/A
Hash netti al secondo N/A
ICO Dettagli

ICO Dettagli

Fetch.AI is a decentralized digital world in which useful economic activity can take place. This activity is performed by digital entities called Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs). AEAs can work alone, together, serially or in parallel, and they can represent humans, services, themselves, data and more. AEAs connect to the world through our Open Economic Framework (OEF) which acts as an agent’s senses. The OEF presents a highly tailored world to each individual agent, one that is adapted specifically for it. Underpinning this is the Fetch Smart Ledger which provides the network’s integrity and delivers consensus through useful proof of work. Fetch are developing the OEF and Smart Ledger to enable everyone to develop agents.


  • Humayun Sheikh: Co-founder and CEO. 
  • Toby Simpson: Co-founder and CTO. 
  • Thomas Hain: Co-founder and CSO. 
  • Jonathan Ward: Head of Research. 

Fetch.AI ICO occurred on February 25, 2019. The ICO token supply represented 17.6% of the total token supply, so there was a total of 202,927,573 FET tokens available, for 0.0867 USD each. The funding cap was 6,000,000 USD.

Token Reserve Split (82.4%):

  • 20% Foundation;
  • 20% Founders;
  • 17.4% Future Releases;
  • 15% Mining
  • 10% Advisors.
ICO Stato Finished
Fornitura di token 1152997575
Data d'inizio 2019-02-25
Data di fine N/A
Fondo raccolto (BTC) N/A
Fondo raccolto (USD) N/A
Prezzo iniziale (USD) 0.0867
Società di audit di sicurezza N/A
ICO Forma legale Corporation
ICO Giurisdizione Singapore
Consulenti legali N/A
blog https://medium.com/fetch-ai
Carta bianca https://fetch.ai/uploads/Fetch.AI-Token-Overview.pdf