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434,534,355 HIVE


Hive Preis

Hive 24h Vol

Hive Marktkapitalisierung

24h Vol
37,170 BTC
1 H
-2.56 %
24 H
65.15 %
7 d
61.09 %
Heute Hive Preis in US-Dollar ist derzeit 0.8701 USD, und wenn in konvertiert Bitcoin ist 0.00003758 BTC. Insgesamt 434,534,355 HIVE sind derzeit auf dem Markt im Umlauf. Hive Die Preise erfahren derzeit eine Änderung von 65.15 %, prüfen alle Kryptowährung. In den letzten 24 Stunden 8.606 M US dollars Hive wurde gehandelt Krypto-Austausch. Erhalten Hive's Fortschritt durch Hinzufügen zu Ihrem Favoriten und ein freies schaffen Portfolio.
Vollständiger Name
BTC Preis
0.00003758 BTC
BTC Markt
16,329 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
37,170 BTC
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen
434,534,355 HIVE
-2.56 %
65.15 %
61.09 %
Share Hive Price




Based in Estonia with roots in Japan, Blockhive creates practical and innovative solutions for businesses in the form of partnership, helping them unlock new markets and untapped opportunities as part of our ambition to create a win-win outcome. Blockhive works with partners to design their blockchain strategy, and jointly develops projects with them. No fees are charged. Instead, revenue from the projects is shared between blockhive and its partners. HIVE is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum network which give Creditors who provided lending to the company the ability to trade their rights with others.

Vollständiger Name Hive (HIVE)
Anfangsdatum N/A
Algorithmus N/A
Beweisart N/A
Twitter @blockhive_ee
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Blocknummer N/A
Zeit blockieren N/A
Belohnung blockieren N/A
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen 434,534,355 HIVE
Bisherige insgesamt abgebaute Münzen N/A
Netto-Hashes pro Sekunde N/A
ICO Einzelheiten

ICO Einzelheiten

Based in Estonia with roots in Japan, Blockhive creates practical and innovative solutions for businesses in the form of partnership, helping them unlock new markets and untapped opportunities as part of our ambition to create a win-win outcome. Blockhive works with partners to design their blockchain strategy, and jointly develops projects with them. No fees are charged. Instead, revenue from the projects is shared between blockhive and its partners. HIVE is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum network which give Creditors who provided lending to the company the ability to trade their rights with others.


  • Kazuteru Arimura: Co-Founder, Finance and Management Lead 
  • Kathleen Chu: Digital Content, PR and Marketing Lead 
  • Yinghan Huang: Lead Designer
  • Hikaru Kusaka: Co-Founder, Business Design and Strategy Lead 

The Future Loan Access Tokens will start on the 26th of January and it will last until the 9th of February. The ILP token allocation represents 30% of the total token supply and will be available for a 0.045 EUR starting price. The ILP funding target/cap is set at 13,500,000 USD. 

Token Reserve Split (70%):

  • Early ILP 8%
  • Management
  • Team 8%
  • Advisors 4%
  • Company 50%

The FLAT ILP features a bonus and bounty campaign.

ICO Status Upcoming
Token-Angebot 300000000
Anfangsdatum 2018-01-26
Endtermin 2018-02-09
Fundraising (BTC) N/A
Fundraising (USD) N/A
Startpreis (USD) 0.045
Sicherheitsprüfungsgesellschaft N/A
ICO Rechtsform Pty Ltd
ICO Zuständigkeit Estonia
Rechtsberater Agrello and Oblicity
Weißes Papier