Status Rang 80
Status Rang 80
Webseite Twitter
3,470,483,788 SNT


Status Preis

Status 24h Vol

Status Marktkapitalisierung

24h Vol
1,383 BTC
1 H
0.58 %
24 H
0.41 %
7 d
7.71 %
Heute Status Preis in US-Dollar ist derzeit 0.0243 USD, und wenn in konvertiert Bitcoin ist 0.00000262 BTC. Insgesamt 3,470,483,788 SNT sind derzeit auf dem Markt im Umlauf. Status Die Preise erfahren derzeit eine Änderung von 0.41 %, prüfen alle Kryptowährung. In den letzten 24 Stunden 0.128 M US dollars Status wurde gehandelt Krypto-Austausch. Erhalten Status's Fortschritt durch Hinzufügen zu Ihrem Favoriten und ein freies schaffen Portfolio.
Vollständiger Name
BTC Preis
0.00000262 BTC
BTC Markt
9,106 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
1,383 BTC
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen
3,470,483,788 SNT
0.58 %
0.41 %
7.71 %
Share Status Price




Status is an open source messaging platform and mobile browser that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the Ethereum Network. In Status, users own and control their own data, wealth and digital identity. The Status Network Token ('SNT') is an Ethereum-based token that is required to interact with the Status Network.

Vollständiger Name Status Network Token (SNT)
Anfangsdatum N/A
Algorithmus N/A
Beweisart N/A
Twitter @ethstatus
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Blocknummer N/A
Zeit blockieren N/A
Belohnung blockieren N/A
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen 3,470,483,788 SNT
Bisherige insgesamt abgebaute Münzen N/A
Netto-Hashes pro Sekunde N/A
ICO Einzelheiten

ICO Einzelheiten

Status is an open source messaging platform and mobile browser that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the Ethereum Network. In Status, users own and control their own data, wealth and digital identity. The Status Network Token ('SNT') is an Ethereum-based token that is required to interact with the Status Network.


  • Jarrad Hope: Co-founder and Thought Leader.
  • Carl Bennetts: Co-founder and Communications & Marketing.
  • Roman Volosovskyi: Clojure developer and project lead.
  • Alexander Pantyukhov: Clojure developer, Java and Android.
  • Andrey Shovkoplyas: Clojure developer. 
  • Gustavo Nunes: Clojure developer.
  • Victor Farazdagi:  Go developer.
  • Andrei Mironov: Visual design and user experience designer.

Status held its ICO on July 20, 2017. The ICO token supply represents 41% of the total token supply. The ICO funding cap was 300,000 ETH and raised a total of 300,000 ETH in a few hours. The ICO ended on July 20, 2017, a few hours later of the starting time. There were 20,000 investors with a median ETH investment of 2.5. From the total token supply, 41% were sold to investors, 10% of tokens are for Genesis token holders, 20% committed to the Status Core Dev is in lockup with a 24 month vesting period and 6 month cliff, and the 29% reserve locked for a minimum of 12 months, requiring the signatures of the 3 of 5 community multisig.

Token Reserve Split (59%):

Status ICO campaign featured no bonus, no bounties, no escrow and the token is not mineable.

ICO Status Finished
Token-Angebot 6804870174.878168246198837603
Anfangsdatum 2017-06-20
Endtermin 2017-06-21
Fundraising (BTC) 300000 ETH
Fundraising (USD) 102000000
Startpreis (USD) 0.0001
Sicherheitsprüfungsgesellschaft N/A
ICO Rechtsform N/A
ICO Zuständigkeit N/A
Rechtsberater N/A
Weißes Papier