BitForex Token 秩 349
BitForex Token 秩 349
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4,254,096,636 BF

BitForex Token
BitForex Token

BitForex Token 价钱

BitForex Token 24h Vol

BitForex Token 市值

302 BTC
1 H
0.03 %
24 H
7.21 %
7 d
22.07 %
今天 BitForex Token 目前以美元计价 0.0028 USD, 如果转换为 Bitcoin 0.00000030 BTC. 总计 4,254,096,636 BF 目前正在市场上流传。 BitForex Token 价格目前正在经历变化 7.21 %, 校验 所有加密货币. 过去24小时 0.028 M US dollars BitForex Token 已被交易 加密交换. 得到 BitForex Token's 通过将其添加到您的 最爱 并创造一个免费的 投资组合.
BitForex Token
BTC 价钱
0.00000030 BTC
BTC 市场
1,293 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
302 BTC
4,254,096,636 BF
0.03 %
7.21 %
22.07 %
Share BitForex Token Price




Registered in the Republic of Seychelles and based in Singapore, BitForex is a multi-cryptocurrency Exchange platform. It provides users with the tools to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them. The main digital currencies available on BitForex are BTC, ETH, NEO, TRX, and GOT. Additionally, the platform has its own native token named BF which mining is daily distributed between its holders.

The BitForex Token (BF) is an Ethereum-based (ERC-20) cryptocurrency. It will be used by the BitForex members as a medium to exchange value and access transaction fees discounts or exclusive airdrops.

全名 BitForex Token (BF)
开始日期 N/A
算法 N/A
证明类型 N/A
Twitter @bitforexcom
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
块号 N/A
阻止时间 N/A
阻止奖励 N/A
开采的总硬币 4,254,096,636 BF
以前的总硬币开采 N/A
每秒净哈希值 N/A
ICO 细节

ICO 细节

Registered in the Republic of Seychelles and based in Singapore, BitForex is a multi-cryptocurrency Exchange platform. It provides users with the tools to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them. The main digital currencies available on BitForex are BTC, ETH, NEO, TRX, and GOT. Additionally, the platform has its own native token named BF which mining is daily distributed between its holders.

The BitForex Token (BF) is an Ethereum-based (ERC-20) cryptocurrency. It will be used by the BitForex members as a medium to exchange value and access transaction fees discounts or exclusive airdrops.

BitForex ICO began on July 27, 2018. The ICO token supply represents 8% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 800,000,000 BF tokens available, for 0.0282 USD each. The ICO funding target is 30,000 ETH, the funding cap is 55,000 ETH and has ended on July 31, 2018.

Token Reserve Split (92%):

  • 40% Transaction and mining;
  • 24% Ecological Welfare;
  • 20% Team incentives;
  • 8% Cornerstone investment.

BitForex Token will be mineable.

ICO 状态 Finished
令牌供应 10000000000
开始日期 2018-07-27
结束日期 2018-07-31
募集资金 (BTC) N/A
募集资金 (USD) N/A
开始价格 (USD) 0.0282
安全审计公司 N/A
ICO法律表格 Corporation
ICO管辖权 Seychelles
法律顾问 N/A